Product Releases: Database Import & Export

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  • stable v1.2.0 - 

    Drastically import Import/Export Performance

    Allow up to 100MB imports

    Fix more exporting issues

  • stable v1.1.4 - 

    Fix some export issues with newlines

    Properly encode quotes in exports

  • stable v1.1.3 - 

    Hide Buttons when no databases can be created

    Disable Buttons when no databases exist

    Switch to ainx for addon installation

  • stable v1.1.2 - 

    Improved Error Handling to stop confusion

  • stable v1.1.1 - 

    Fix Issues when importing databases related to multi-line comments

  • stable v1.1.0 - 

    Add Non-Blueprint Support

  • stable v1.0.0 - 

    Initial Release