Product Releases: Custom Allocations for Pterodactyl

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  • stable v1.2.1 - 

    README.txt update

  • stable v1.2 - 


    • Server Network Configuration:
      • Added state hooks for managing modals and server details in NetworkContainer.tsx.
      • Integrated getServer API call to fetch server details in NetworkContainer.tsx.
      • Added logic to check dedicatedIp field and display appropriate modals for port selection.
      • Included new modal for selecting specific ports if dedicatedIp is true.


    • Allocation Creation:
      • Modified onCreateAllocation function in NetworkContainer.tsx to check the dedicatedIp field and handle allocation creation accordingly.
      • Updated UI to dynamically show modals based on dedicatedIp status.


    • UI Consistency:
      • Ensured consistent styling and layout for the newly added modals in NetworkContainer.tsx.
  • stable v1.1 - 

    BluePrint Support (Only Pterodactyl Default Theme)

  • stable v1.0 - 

    Support Default Theme and Nova Theme